GetRecordSummary is a fast way to get details about the scope of records in a request.
Record Summary is a fast way to get details about the scope of records in a request. It returns summaries of the following information.
Parameter | Field | Description |
Default | MinDate | First Submitted Date in the Range adjusted for timezone offset |
Default | MaxDate | Last Date in the Range, Adjusted for Timezone offset |
Default | FormCount | Total Distinct Forms |
Default | ResourceCount | Total Distinct Resources |
Default | LocationCount | Total Distinct Locations |
Default | UserCount | Total Distinct Users |
Default | Pass_Count | Total Compliant Records |
Default | Pass_Percent | Percent Compliant Records |
Default | RecordCount | Total Records |
ShowFieldCount | FieldCount | Total Fields in the Set. Will only be provided if ShowFieldCount parameter is set to true |